2016 Registrations Now Open

Urunga Football Club logo smallCome and play football with the 2015 NCF Club of the Year.

Registrations are now open.  On-line Registrations at www.urungafootballclub.com. Follow the prompts to complete registration.

Club Registrar Vanessa Hogan, Ph 0412649649 will assist with any issues relating to registration or come to the Junior Fields on 13th Feb from 9-12 noon for assistance. New players required to show a birth certificate please.


Something for all ages…

5-7 years Mini-Roos, 4-a-side, everyone has fun learning the skills of the world game

8-9 years modified rules with 7-a-side, non-competitive girls or unisex teams, playing other local area teams

10-11 years play 9-a-side, non-competitive games against other local teams, girls or unisex

12-17 years play full-sided, 11-a-side competition, male and female teams

Seniors play in Reserve or First Grade men’s and women’s competition


Free shorts and socks to all new junior players.

Register and pay by the end of February and receive discounted fees and go into the prize draw.