Urunga Football Club is the premier soccer club for Urunga & District. We are part of the North Coast Football competition.
Urunga Football Club (UFC) supports Senior Mens & Womens Teams, Juniors and a Summer 6-A-Side Twilight Season. The club has been highly successful in the NCF Winter Competition and was awarded club of the year in 2015
Urunga Football Club acknowledges and appreciates local businesses that support us. Please support them.
Send Us a Note
Club President: Jess Snow M 0402 566 394 |
Vice President: M |
Secretary: Katie Thorn M |
Treasurer: Julian Banks M 0439 705 459 |
Public Officer: Katie Thorn |
WebMaster: David Spears M 0400 862 254 |
Registrar: Shannon Tutt M |
PO Box 173 Urunga NSW 2455
ABN: 318 109 566 55
Email: Use the contact form or click on a position title